The Eclipse #9497A/#9497B Meter Pit Automatic Flushing Stations are designed and engineered to automatically flush up to 65 GPM to improve and maintain chlorine residual levels and flush disinfectant byproducts (DBPs) so as to keep water safe for consumers. The #9497A station easily installs into an unused meter setter in an existing or newly installed meter box (meter and setter supplied by end user) and flushes directly to the ground. The #9497B station includes a meter re-setter and can be installed into an existing meter pit with the customers meter reset in the re-setter. Both stations come standard with a solenoid operated hand-held controller that operates on a 9-volt battery (2) and allows for up to 12 flushing cycles per day at up to 6 hours of flush time per cycle. Both stations are easily maintainable from above ground.
Eclipse #9497-A / Eclipse #9497-B
- 1″ Automatic flushing device for meter pits (65 GPM flow)
- Can install into an empty meter pit (9497-A)
- Meter resetter allows for use in active meter pits (9497-B)
- Digital (standard) and Bluetooth controller options available
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